Is Belize Really Right for You? | Visiting Belize Is The Right Choice

Is Belize Really Right for You?

Is Belize Really Right for You

Many people ask whether Belize is the right country for them to visit. Located in Central America with a strong tradition of Catholicism, Belize can sometimes feel like a very conservative society.

But beyond that deep-rooted connection to faith and tradition, Belize has a long history of welcoming different cultures. Once a British colony, Belize has served as a refuge for different faiths, languages, and customs for several centuries. Today, Belize is a truly harmonious melting pot society where tolerance, graciousness, and open acceptance of diversity are national hallmarks.

Several different cultures peacefully co-exist in Belize today, ranging from Spanish-speaking Mestizos (indigenous peoples originally from Mexico) to entrepreunerial Chinese families that have been living in the country for hundreds of years. Other widely disparate groups that call Belize home include German-speaking Mennonites, the Garifuna (an Afro-Caribbean people), and a large community of East Indians.

In short, Belize’s small population of fewer than 400,000 is incredibly diverse. At meeting places like the open-air market of San Ignacio, it’s easy to hear half a dozen tongues being spoken, including English, Spanish, Maya, and Kriol. Yet perhaps in spite of all these differences, Belizeans are known for their national pride and genuine hospitality towards visitors.

Overall, acceptance and understanding of LGBTQ+ persons is beginning to grow. In 2016, a landmark case in front of the Belizean Supreme Court ruled that discrimination against individuals based on their sexual preferences or gender identity was illegal. Furthermore, an antiquated law banning sodomy was also declared unconstitutional.

At Island Expeditions, every traveler is warmly welcomed. Regardless of your race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, political beliefs, or sexual orientation, you will be treated with respect, dignity, and honor.

Island Expeditions was founded more than 30 years ago by open-minded travelers who wanted to share Belize’s natural beauty with the world. Island Expeditions is proud of its diverse staff that reflect a broad range of gender identities, ethnicities, cultures, and beliefs.


Island Expeditions is firmly committed to the idea that the natural wealth of Belize’s mountains, rainforests, beaches, islands, jungles, and waterfalls should be accessible and enjoyed by everyone. Belize is a home to an astonishing treasure of exotic wildlife, hundreds of avian species, and a vast cornucopia of trees, plants, and flowers. Island Expeditions believes that everyone can and should be able to enjoy this little corner of paradise.

Regardless of your identity, background, or orientation, Island Expeditions welcomes you to Belize. Island Expeditions specializes in comprehensive vacation packages that combine exploration of Belize’s most beautiful wild areas with cultural tours to learn more about traditional lifestyles.

If you’re ready for adventure, book your Belize vacation with Island Expeditions today.

Get a copy of The Ultimate Belize Bucket List! Written by Larry Waight, a local with more than twenty years of experience in the travel industry, the book is packed with tips, information, and recommendations about all of the best things to see and do in Belize.
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