In the heart of a former Maya metropolis in northern Belize, a unique scientific gathering known as Bat-a-thon is underway. Eighty researchers from around the world have converged on a small eco lodge, drawn by the region’s exceptional bat diversity.
This annual event, now in its 16th year, fosters collaboration among scientists studying these nocturnal creatures. Led by Nancy Simmons, a curator at the American Museum of Natural History, Bat-a-thon has yielded nearly 90 academic papers over the years.
Researchers spend their days strategically setting up nets to capture specific bat species for their research. The Lamanai Archaeological Reserve, home to ancient Mayan temples, serves as a backdrop for this scientific endeavor.
The diversity of bats captured is remarkable, ranging from tiny nectar feeders to insect-eating mustache bats. Each specimen provides valuable insights into bat behavior, evolution, and their role in the ecosystem.
The researchers carefully extract the bats from the nets, placing them in cloth bags for further study. Some bats are released in a tent to analyze their flight patterns, while others are examined for their immune responses to viruses and infections.
A highlight of this year’s Bat-a-thon was the capture of a rare small northern ghost bat, a species with white fur and transparent wings. This extraordinary find thrilled the researchers, emphasizing the importance of such gatherings for uncovering the mysteries of these nocturnal creatures.
After a night of research, the captured bats are released back into the forest, unharmed and ready to resume their natural lives. This act of conservation underscores the scientists’ commitment to preserving the bat population and their habitat.
As the sun rises and birdsong fills the air, the researchers reflect on their successful Bat-a-thon, eager to analyze the data collected and contribute to our understanding of these enigmatic creatures.