What Time Is it in Belize? | Time in Belize, Central America

What Time Is it in Belize?

What Time Is it in Belize?

Current Local Time in Belize

Because Belize does not change its clock seasonally to adjust for Daylight Savings Time, it can be difficult to calculate the current time in Belize off the top of your head.

Officially, Belize is in the Central American Time Zone. During the summer months when most of the United States is on Daylight Savings Time, the time in Belize mirrors that of the Mountain Time Zone. In other words, the time in Belize is the same time as in Denver.

During the winter months, however, when most of the United States is on standard time, the time in Belize mirrors that of the Central Time zone. In other words, the time in Belize is the same time as in Chicago.

See also: The Best Times To Visit Belize


Daylight Savings Time runs from approximately March to the end of October or the beginning of November. Therefore, from March-November, the time in Belize is the same time as in Denver. And from November-March, the time in Belize is the same time as in Chicago.

If you’re familiar with Greenwich Mean Time, sometimes known as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), Belize is permanently six hours behind GMT. Therefore, when it is 6:00 PM in GMT, it is noon in Belize.

To easily find out the current time in Belize, visit your favorite search engine and type “Time in Belize”.

Get a copy of The Ultimate Belize Bucket List! Written by Larry Waight, a local with more than twenty years of experience in the travel industry, the book is packed with tips, information, and recommendations about all of the best things to see and do in Belize.


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