St. John’s Cathedral – The Oldest Church in Belize City, Belize

St. John’s Cathedral
Located in the heart of Belize City, St. John’s Cathedral is one of the few physical legacies of the long period as a British colony. Built in 1812 as the Church of England’s headquarters in Central America, the cathedral was once used to crown four different native kings of the Miskito tribe in lavish ceremonies matching the pomp and circumstances of coronations in Europe. Today, the cathedral is the oldest surviving building constructed by Europeans in Belize.
Why You Have to Visit St. John’s Cathedral in Belize
Using the enormous ballast stones brought over from Europe, English colonizers in what was then known as British Honduras erected the mighty St. John’s Cathedral as the power base of the Church of England in Central America. Visitors today can marvel at the well-preserved architecture made from sapodilla and mahogany wood, an antique pipe organ and tombstones of English colonists from the earliest days of the settlement of Belize City.
Where in Belize Is St. John’s Cathedral?
St. John’s Cathedral is located in downtown Belize City just a few hundred feet west of the Government House. The cathedral is located directly across from the House of Culture and sits at the intersection of Albert and Regent Streets.
When is the Best Time to Do a Tour of St. John’s Cathedral
The Cathedral of St. John’s is still a functioning church, home of the Anglican Diocese of Belize. The church is open seven days a week for worship or visits from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. There is no entrance fee.
How to Get to St. John’s Cathedral
In Belize City, head to the historic downtown area. Located at the southeastern part of the city just a few hundred feet north of the coastline is a large plaza at the south end of Albert Street and the east end of Regent Street. The cathedral is directly across from the House of Culture.
Best Way to Experience St. John’s Cathedral
There is no fee to enter the cathedral and there are no guided tours. The best way to get the most out of visiting the cathedral is to choose a time when there are no religious services underway, giving yourself 30 to 60 minutes to fully explore all of the colonial-era tombstones, the hardwood interior architecture, the antique pipe organ, and the lavish accouterments that still adorn the cathedral.
Interested in a tour of St. John’s Cathedral? Contact us and we will recommend you with the best tour company in Belize to do this tour.